Travel reviews by Flynn! Looking at travel experiences from someone with an invisible disability.

About Flynn!
Welcome to Everybody Deserves a Holiday!
Hi, my name is Flynn, I'm 20 years old and live in Cairns, Queensland in Australia. I have recently finished high school and live with my family and my dog, Plugger. I love meeting people and am very friendly and outgoing. I also have autism and an intellectual disability so sometimes I need some extra help, especially with communicating with people. I like it when people are patient with me and explain things clearly and also give me time to get my words out because sometimes it takes me a while to process my thoughts. I also love to travel and go on holidays!
One of my favourite things to do is to look up accommodation and tourist attractions online and I like to do a lot of research about hotels and apartments before I go on holidays. I like finding out where my friends go to stay and what they like about the places they go and the accommodation they stay in. When I finished school I decided I wanted to write travel blogs about the places I visit so that others can see what was good and what I really enjoyed.
I am very lucky because I live in a very beautiful place where lots of tourists visit and there are a lot of nice places to stay and visit here in Tropical North Queensland so I am going to write some blogs about them and the local area that I live in, as well as any other places I get to visit. I love going on day trips and getting out and exploring the places I visit.
I am very lucky to have an awesome family and I love going places with them. I have a very helpful brother and sister and my mum and dad. I also have a very nice dog, called Plugger and sometimes he comes along with me to do fun things.
My family often goes to the Gold Coast and Brisbane for holidays and before Covid I went to China, Hong Kong, Bangkok and Singapore with my family for holidays and for medical treatment.
I like travelling in planes, but sometimes I feel a bit anxious about the noise and the take-off and landing. I don't really like using the toilets on the planes so I like short flights best. When I fly somewhere I like to pack my own snacks to eat and take my earplugs or noise cancelling headphones so it isn't so loud. I also like to take my IPad with my calming Apps on it so I can do them when I feel stressed or anxious and listen to my own music. I take my journal with me on holidays too and write in it every night so I can remember all the fun things I've done and I really love taking lots of photos when I travel.
I really love going in lifts and swimming in pools when I stay in accommodation and I am especially interested in the rooms and bathrooms. I like it if there is a nice view from my window and I love taking photos of the accommodation I stay in.
I find it helpful if there are social stories or videos I can watch of places so I know what it will look like before I travel and I feel very happy when people take extra time to help me and explain things to me when I am travelling. I like maps and signs so I can see where I have to go.
I hope you like my reviews and I hope I can inspire other people with disabilities to travel more and not be too scared to get out of their comfort zones and go to new places and try new things.
My family also love to travel and sometimes my mum will be helping me with my blog and giving her tips as well. Other times I might have another family member or support worker/friend go along with me and give their advice too.
If you want any more information about the places I have been to or tips on travelling you can contact me and I will message you.
Happy Travelling!
From Flynn